Dave graduated from Illinois State University in 1998 and immediately started helping others with their future planning. He earned the Certified Financial Planner designation in 2003 (for which he voluntarily resigned in February of 2023) and the Chartered Financial Consultant designation in 2005 (for which he voluntarily resigned in December of 2024). Over the span of his career, Dave has guided his clients through some of the most dynamic and uncharted situations for investors: the burst of the dot.com bubble and the subsequent correction from 2000-2002, the longest war in our nation’s history, the September 11 attacks, the corporate scandals of Enron and Worldcom, a disputed Presidential election, interest rates at unprecedented levels, the 2008 downturn, the Bernie Madoff and Russ Wasendorf scandals, the housing crisis, the collapse of Lehman Brothers, the first-ever downgrade of our nation’s credit rating and a global health pandemic.

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